Which President of the U.S. empowered college bound deaf students?

If you chose Abraham Lincoln you are correct! The answer surprised me!

Gallaudet University- A University dedicated to hearing impaired students!

I can’t say enough about Gallaudet University located in Washington D.C; this college experience could change a hearing impaired person’s professional life. Please share this information.

Image may contain: 3 people, indoor

Photo courtesy of Gallaudet University

Please click the link below for the full story which details other learning opportunities available to various age groups.


Here is a historic photo from the successful student protest 30 years ago demanding a Deaf President for the college. The photo beneath is from the Gallaudet University Instagram page which has countless photos chronicling past and present campus life. It’s an amazing story to read; if you like heroes you won’t be disappointed.



Hearing Impaired and Want to Attend Church?

 stock photo, hand, girl, eyes, iloveyou, asl, deaf, signlanguage, americansignlanguage

As a public service I am requesting churches to post on this website if they have signed services for the hearing impaired . Please email me: disabilityaccommodations@gmail.com

links to:

Archdiocese of Chicago (Roman Catholic):


Archdiocese of Joliet (Roman Catholic)


Rockford Diocese


Other Roman Catholic Dioceses (some of these sources have more ministries)







Helen Keller

Helen Keller

I remember reading a biography of Helen Keller in grade school around the time Patty Duke won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in the film The Miracle Worker (United Artists 1962) which starred Anne Bancroft (Best Actress) as Annie Sullivan, her special teacher. Sullivan, with visual problems herself, finally broke through to the deaf, blind, and mute child how to communicate. Keller was mute due to not being able to hear sounds. Here are two biographies worth investigating on Wikipedia which includes multiple links to other sources. I admire both the teacher and the student for their courage.



Above: Keller with Anne Sullivan



Above: Keller with Polly Thompson found on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watchv=8ch_H8pt9M8



Helping the disabled homeless

This week’s topic is helping the disabled homeless.

Homeless people often have disabilities and lack getting help because they cannot navigate the welfare system and drop through the cracks. I am amazed how resourceful church and community groups are helping people who would otherwise do without assistance. Please feel free to post on this site, under your state, what is available.

For instance: today I went to Asbury United Methodist Church in Kankakee, Illinois for a free dinner; I went to get out and meet people in the community.  It was extremely nice. While there, I was informed the church has a food pantry and many other services to help those in need. They sponsor a ministry to the homeless which gives individual help through the combined efforts of volunteers from different denominations. This ministry gives the volunteers and the homeless a chance to communicate effectively to determine exactly what is needed to help them live a better life. When this church announces this year’s homeless event I will post it under ILLINOIS.

Hearing Accommodations

I often forget how hard it is for people who have hearing loss to cope in a “talking world.” Just today I was at the vet, and the cutest dog ever was standing there with the owner. I inquired what breed of dog it was, and while I was waiting for the owner to reply the clerk said, “She can’t hear you.”

I wonder how this owner was able to communicate with the Doctor, unless of course there was someone on the staff who knew sign language.  I’d be interested in learning how hearing impaired people cope doing business and going to school and how they are able to get accommodated; I am for advancing accommodations. Please respond and get the conversation started on this blog. Thank you!

Guest Blogger: Tina M. Abulhassan

Tina M. Abulhassan, author of  Life From Cabrini Green to Life in Saudi Arabia- A Real Life Story, shares her experience parenting a child with a disability:pexels-photo-397195

Disability accommodations –

My son was diagnosed with learning disabilities at the age of two. It was brought to my attention that he was not functioning on an average two-year-old level as the other children in the daycare. The daycare did not tell me something I had already suspected at home, the daycare just confirmed by thoughts, just as my neighbor did.

I knew there was something different about my son and his motor, language, and cognitive skills early on when he was around 12 months old. It wasn’t hard to spot when he was around other children his age. Some of the abnormalities I spotted were:

  • Not holding his own bottle
  • Not crawling, but pulling himself across the floor
  • Not walking until 15 or 16 months old
  • Not talking in full sentences, but using just one word to describe something at the age of 2 ½
  • Not fully potty trained until the age of 4, by this, I mean having multiple accidents
  • Not fully understanding simple directions
  • Isolating himself

As a mother, I knew I had to speak to his pediatrician. That is when the pediatrician referred me to the ARC (back in 1986 referred to as Association for Retarded Citizens). Just listening to the “R” word broke my heart. As a young mother at the age of 23 (at the time) I felt so alone as if I was a failure at birthing capable children.

The ARC was a wonderful accommodating agency that gave me hope of helping my son get on course to a bright and healthy future. He was placed in a stimulating program that helped him with the skills he needed to succeed as a normal and healthy child. My son is now 32 and still has his disabilities. I believe because he received the proper help needed at a young age, he is considered disabled but high functioning.

http://www.tinaabulhassan.com/ (book website) #parenting #child #disability #disabilityaccommodations  #disabilityaccommodation #learningdisability #learningdisabilities #Arc #diagnosis  #diagnosedwithlearningdisabilities #highfunctioning

Have you ever tried to get someone help for mental illness?

Mental, Health, Mental Health, Cloud

GROW in IL and GROW in America

GROW, a self–help support group, serves the mentally ill with unique steps and meetings designed for their specific recovery. Unfortunately GROW does not operate on donations and support from its recovering members (for a variety of reasons) and has to rely on support from government funding. In Illinois this is a major problem and has resulted in severe cutbacks in GROW’s cutting edge program of helping people who are going through difficulties ranging from mild depression all the way to recently discharged patient from the psychiatric ward.

Originating in Australia in the 50’s and now in other countries, GROW achieves tremendous success in mental health recovery. Here are a few links which explain current research on GROW http://www.growinamerica.org/home/research-documents-1and the GROW program https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GROW Until the recent budget cuts in Illinois, the parent group supported a live-in facility which housed a small group of patients (who were formerly under state care) and prepared them to live or resume a normal life on their own. It is not a simple process but it is an effective one. The first GROW home in the U.S. was in Illinois and is now shut down due to lack of funding. Also affected is the job of Field Worker, which in the GROW structure, is a paid employee who gets the weekly (independent not at the live-in facility) groups up and running while supervising for a long period of time until there is substantial recovery in the group. Recovery from mental illness is a long process. Recovering people in GROW cannot be expected to volunteer their time when it is a major struggle to consistently attend a meeting on time every week. The position of Field Worker is a necessity; GROW is tailored for the mental patient and therein lies its success. Although it is a confidential meeting, members from the public may come to the meeting to observe how it is run but are required to keep confidences. Grow depends on funding from private sources and government sources.

Not funding GROW is non-accommodation of disabilities on a grand scale. First of all many, many people who are merely depressed can still function and go to work, however there are some who cannot without extensive help.  GROW is listed as the missing link in mental healthcare; it offers something to a patient which cannot be bought or doled out in pill form: friendship and understanding. Secondly, only someone who has felt the stigma of mental illness can truly understand how hard it is to talk about having a mental problem. I wonder how many people there are who have never had someone in their family or circle of friends affected by mental illness in one way or another. This includes anyone who has to take on someone’s responsibilities while they recovered, as in caring for their children or helping to support them; covering a fellow employees work while they are “away” due to illness, etc.

Restoring funds to GROW is the right thing to do. It is cost effective. Illinois is sometimes taking up to two years to pay doctors for their services on Medicaid. I wonder how many businesses can run without re-imbursement for two years on their accounts receivable. No wonder medical professionals refuse to treat Medicaid patients. Many people cannot afford to see a counselor. They make too much money to qualify for reduced fees, do not have health coverage for mental problems or not enough, and fall through the cracks. This help is free to the suffering individual. Brenda Eakins, Board Member of GROW in America, is receiving emails every week of people wanting to talk to someone or needing to locate a group, which of course are now closed. Eakins states funding from private sources is scarce. Please call your Illinois State Representative today and ask to restore funding for GROW.